Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Artist and Time Management

Today was all about my calendar. Wow, can I get messed up when it comes to times and dates! I'll be serving as President for the Chestnut Group ( and have been worried about getting the meetings  wrong. When standing in front of the easel, or even thinking about standing in front of the easel, time gets away from me pretty fast!

So my most awesome fiance sent me the link to a downloadable calendar called "efficient calendar" -- made in China, it will get all users onto a "happy joyful road." Well so far it's working. It has views for the month, week, and day. I can enter events and tasks, and see the blocks of time thus allocated in color. Those color-coded blocks of time are VERY useful to me. I've caught mistakes in entering data just by the way the color blocks line up on the days and weeks. 

Today the calendar more than paid for itself. This is where time management is the word:  

I have to get six paintings delivered to an exhibit by Friday. Teaching on Thursday, a meeting here and there, and the rest of the week is free -- right? Wrong! Once I blocked in the times for the meetings, preparation for the classes, framing and documenting the paintings -- my week is full! I had written all these tasks down but seeing it in the color blocks really made this clear. 

This should help me to avoid getting over extended, and it will also help me to keep my painting time sacred. When I block that in, I will be less inclined to let anything distract me... but since the other tasks are also blocked in I will (hopefully) not forget them. 

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